Music lending library

All church and community choirs in Delaware and surrounding communities are welcome to use Market Street Music’s Music Lending Library. There is no charge for borrowing music.

Consult the database of available music, including the number of copies available.

Contact us to arrange for borrowing, including date to be picked up, and date for return. You will receive a return email confirming that your scores are available for borrowing, or are already in use for that time period, and when they will be ready for pickup.

Pick up scores in the office of First & Central Church. Envelopes with the borrower’s name and enclosed music will be there. We will not ship scores to you.

Please instruct singers to mark the scores only in pencil.

Return scores in good condition, with any marks erased, to First & Central Church by the return date.

Lost or severely damaged copies will be charged the borrower as such: $3.00/octavo copy; $15.00/large work copy. This fine is payable within 30 days.
Late return fine is $.25/day.

Consider supporting
local music

We hope you will consider joining the Friends of Market Street Music and making a donation. Market Street Music, Inc., is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corporation. All donations may be fully tax-deductible.